
The Boardwalk Spring 2024 Battle of the Bands – Night 4

Like a fight between great kaiju, this was a night of epic proportions.


By Jeremy Thacker

Last night brought us the last preliminary night of the Boardwalk’s Spring Battle of the Bands. Four eager bands competed for the chance to return either tomorrow night for “ultimate runners-up” night, or Saturday night for the finals.

In my personal experience, the last preliminary nights of a BOTB are usually the hardest. You can start to see fatigue setting in; the crowd’s a little more sparse; the energy isn’t as high; and the bands have to really up the showmanship to really pull them in. This rang especially true at the beginning of the night, as a smaller crowd and a couple of problems delayed the beginning of the show. Thankfully the bands that performed tonight rose to the challenge and ended up giving us a night full of great energy and even greater music.


Leetham at The Boardwalk’s Spring 2024 Battle of the Bands.

Leetham was the first band to kick off the night. A trio consisting of a vocalist/keys, a guitarist, and a drummer, this is a group with a lot of potential. They were the most pop oriented group of the night and had some really great, clean tones.

The set started off a little timid. I’m not sure if it was jitters from being the first band to perform or if they were thrown off by the audience still filtering in, but during the first couple of songs it felt more like a practice session that the crowd just happened to be observing. Between that and the fact that the crowd seemed to have a bit of fatigue, you could feel a divide between the stage and the audience. Luckily the band realized very early on and started playing to the crowd and utilizing sing-alongs to bring the involvement back up.

Additionally while their tones were really tuned in, I think they relied a little too much on the backing track. In future sets I’d really love to see them ease off the backing track a bit and let the live instruments shine through.

New Sequel

New Sequel performing at The Boardwalk’s Spring 2024 Battle of the Bands.

Nate Baldwin, another judge seated next to me, described New Sequel as “a lovechild between Beastie Boys and Rage Against the Machine”. It’s genuinely the best description I can think of, especially for their first song. Their tones and melodies reminded me of “Sabotage” right off the bat, and while they had some moments that were a bit muddy it kind of lent itself more towards the genre.

Where Leetham started their set a little timid, New Sequel started with the most crowd involvement of the night. Their first song began with frontman Jack Wright at the top of the stairs, playing an awesome guitar lick as he descended to the stage. From there they began a song about how awesome Godzilla is while somebody in an inflatable dinosaur costume came out and started dancing and throwing glow sticks. This Godzilla was soon joined by King Kong, and before we knew it New Sequel’s song became the backing track to a brawl between the two movie monsters.

If I were to give advice to New Sequel it’d actually be that the costumes and fight, while very memorable, were unnecessary. They’ve already got a lot of charisma and know how to work a crowd. But the fight has the potential to really distract from the music, and when people go home you want them to remember the music you played more than the gimmicks.

Eyes Buggy

Eyes Buggy at at The Boardwalk’s Spring 2024 Battle of the Bands.

It’s hard to describe Eyes Buggy. Their set had some of the pop and rock influences that you’d expect in the Utah scene, but there were also jazz influences, soul, folk, R&B, and pretty much anything else you can think of. I actually asked the band how they’d define their genre after the show, and I love the answer they gave me: they don’t. Rather, they focus on what story they want to tell and find a sound that fits it.

Eyes Buggy had a lot of great ideas but I think they had some unfortunate sound issues that stalled their energy somewhat. For example, the bassist and guitarist switched off lead vocals a lot. This made for a really interesting contrast between the different songs, but I felt like each time they did it would take a minute for the new vocalist to find their footing again. Their arrangements didn’t always feel balanced either – I’m a sucker for a saxophone, and was really disappointed to find that it had a tendency to get lost in the mix. None of these issues detracted from the performance in a meaningful way, but they’re something to watch out for during their next show.


Viridian at The Boardwalk’s Spring 2024 Battle of the Bands.

Viridian is out of this world. Literally. The band came out wearing alien masks and played a set that was the most polished of the night. A really solid rock band, I’m seriously invested in seeing this band’s growth. There’s so much potential.

I really appreciated the alien masks as a fun gimmick that brought some aesthetic to the band, but in a way that didn’t distract from the music. It was a great way to pique the crowd’s interest before hooking them in with their music. I felt like everyone in Viridian had small moments to shine, with my personal favorite being the saxophone solo. These moments were really fun for the audience, but you could tell the band was having a good time up on stage as well. They came on with a lot of confidence and authority, had a good time up on stage, and the audience loved them for it.


I want to stress that all four bands tonight should be proud of their performances. Despite some initial setbacks they all powered through and showcased some killer music. Unfortunately, there has to be a winner. This was an EXTREMELY close call that I believe came down to a one point difference, but after some deliberation from our judges Viridian was awarded second place and New Sequel were declared the victors and will be moving on to finals night.

Night 4 winners New Sequel

Tonight at 7 PM is the The Boardwalk’s first-ever “Ultimate Runner-Up Night!” You’ll be able to catch Awakening Autumn, Samuel Charles Band, Internet Lover Boys, and Viridian as they compete for another chance to join finals night on Saturday. While you wait, break out your inflatable t-rex costume, fight a giant gorilla, and check out “Godzilla” by New Sequel below!


4 replies on “The Boardwalk Spring 2024 Battle of the Bands – Night 4”

Every article I read by you makes me less and less interested in every band you review. I think there’s something seriously off with your magazine when it’s turning people away from local music. I hope you’ll consider a new method going forward because everything I read from you is just mostly negative. Add in your personal advice, sure, but please try and actually make people have interest in local music. Perhaps try highlighting what makes these local acts fun so they can find new fans. I think it would be more effective. It’s really awful to log on and see a new review and it’s just y’all trashing on new local acts for not being professional polished musicians yet.


Hey, Orem Guy! We appreciate the feedback. There are 4 Battle of the Bands competitions a year, and usually our staff is asked to judge. There’s 1 week every quarter with heavy criticism, and this just happens to be that week. Our apologies if you tuned in during our most critical time. As musicians ourselves, we try to provide feedback that we wish our friends and family would tell us but are too polite to. The industry is oversaturated with musicians, and if you’re going to cut through the noise and make a living, the product has to be in tip top shape. Our intent is never to discourage bands from making music, but to take the criticism in stride and to improve. We see amazing growth all the time.

If you’re looking for music recommendations that get you stoked about the local music, we highly recommend our album reviews that come out on Tuesdays, as well as the interviews and news we publish Wednesday-Friday. Below are 3 pieces that are highly positive about fascinating emerging musical trends in the scene, complete with playlists to help you discover great music.

Dusty Deseret:

That Dusty Deseret Sound

Deseret Vibe Rock:

Deseret Vibe Rock


Birth of a Genre: “Provocore Indie”


I personally don’t think the live sound issues should be pressed on the bands. The mixing board and mic placement is in the hands of venue. I can’t speak for the other bands, but I’ve personally seen Eyes Buggy play plenty of times at different locations, SLC venues, outdoors, basement shows, and the panorama and largeness of their sound is all encompassing and awesome. Do not let one poor live mix denture you from seeing them play again! their bold lyricism and rad style is wonderful with the right sound guy. Regarding muddy-ness, and low frequency issues, welcome to local music! There’s a lot to appreciate and love about the unpolished, sweaty hands and occasional chord slip. Really is proof that these folks are just passionate people doing what they love. Theres a lot to love about the progression and development of a new band finding their sound, the imperfections are what differs from a completely polished studio mix. It’s a good reminder of the real experience.


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