
What Ferrin’s Doing After Their Big Win

The promising new band is busy recording their debut sound recordings.


By Mike Romero

Last December, the band Ferrin took Velour’s Winter 2023 Battle of the Bands by storm. In one of the heaviest, grungiest, and extremely talented Battle of the Bands in recent memory, Ferrin cut through the (literal) noise with their softer sound. They had a groove-laden approach, complete with extended jazz harmonies, smooth vocals, and powerful harmonies. Ultimately, that memorable sound secured them the win.

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“Winning battle of the bands was an amazing, unexpected, great great gift,” says frontman Jared Ferrin. “It was such an exciting time for us as a band. It felt like so much was happening at once.” At the time of their win, Ferrin hadn’t released any official recordings as a band. To step into such a historic competition and win it was really humbling for Jared.

“I have been around the Provo music scene for a few years now and really admire the artistry the people of the city offer. I’m grateful and honored to be a (small) part of the work being done here,” he says. “I believe in music and believe that people need music. As a band we’re thrilled to be a part of this community.”

Ferrin at Velour’s Winter 2023 Battle of the Bands finals. Photo by Molly McCoy.

Since their win, the band has been hunkering down and preparing to record with producer Mason Winter at June Audio. Jared has been writing furiously to create enough new material to sustain their newfound momentum. “Our main goal is to get as much of the music as we can recorded and available to stream,” he says.


As part of that effort, they recently did a stripped back set for Rugs Unplugged – a new local video series that makes content similar to NPR’s Tiny Desk concerts. The rest of their recordings are being produced as a direct result of their win.

“Winning and receiving the prizes from the music community have been hugely beneficial,” Jared says. “Being an independent musician is expensive and at times grueling. The prizes we received have been an enormous help. We are so grateful to Corey Fox for putting the Battle of the Bands together and to everyone who provided the prizes. It has been helpful beyond words.”

We’re really excited to see what comes next for this promising new band. Make sure to follow Ferrin on Instagram. You can hear their Rugs Unplugged performance below.


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